Welcome to Golfers Fore EBA 2023!

We’re so excited to see you on Thursday, July 13th at Rock Creek Country Club. See below for the schedule of the day’s events:

Golfers Check-In Opens: 11:30am (lunch provided by Chick-fil-A)

Pre-Round Putting Contest: 11:30am-12:45pm

Shotgun Start: 1:00pm

Dinner Check-In Opens: 6:00pm (dinner begins shortly after)

In addition to the pre-round putting contest, there will be many other fun activities and competitions throughout the day, including: Longest Drive, KP, silent and live auctions, and A CHANCE TO WIN $10,000 BY SINKING A HOLE-IN-ONE!

Dinner will include a short program with an opportunity to meet some of the athletes with disabilities and teammates without disabilities that make EBA so special. Capping off the night will be a live auction, with great packages spanning from ocean view Oregon stays to a week at an incredible resort in Orlando, Florida. Preview live auction items here:


Questions? Reach out to GolfersForeEBA@everybodyathletics.com any time before the event to gather more info and prepare for a day of fun and excitement. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!


Photos from Golfers Fore EBA 2022: