Every Body Athletics runs nearly 15 classes a week, each one involving adaptive exercises focused on athletesβ specific fitness needs. Each of these hourlong classes also place heavy emphasis on social strengthening, as each athlete is partnered with a teammate without disabilities who facilitate numerous social exercises along the way. There is a LOT that goes into each class, but the payoff at the end of the day- fitness goals achieved, social skills strengthened, and inclusive friendships built- makes it all SO worth it.
Want to sponsor an entire EBA class? A donation of $10,000 (or $850/mo) will sponsor one weekly EBA class for an entire year! To donate, simply fill out the form below. Donations may also be mailed to the address below. Reach out to info@everybodyathletics.com with any questions about sponsoring an EBA class. Thank you!
Every Body Athletics
10940 SW Barnes Rd. #259
Portland, OR 97225
Does your employer offer a company matching program? Many companies match donations made by employees to qualified nonprofits. Reach out to info@everybodyathletics.com after making your donation if you think your company may provide this matching opportunity!