Each class, athletes with disabilities are paired 1:1 with teammates without disabilities to work together on both physical and social exercises. This inclusivity greatly benefits both parties, and the authentic friendships that form are a significant part of the program.

Every Body Athletics provides these classes at a greatly reduced rate so our adults with disabilities can save their money for other much-needed services and resources. Giving a gift of $1,200 (or $100/month) will sponsor the cost of one of these special athlete+teammate pairings for a full year!

To sponsor an athlete+teammate, simply fill out the form below. Donations may also be mailed to:

Every Body Athletics
10940 SW Barnes Rd. #259
Portland, OR 97225

Does your employer offer a company matching program? Many companies match donations made by employees to qualified nonprofits. Reach out to info@everybodyathletics.com after making your donation if you think your company may provide this matching opportunity!