EBA+ Athlete Payment
EBA+ Athlete Payment
EBA+ offers athletes the opportunity to expand their health and fitness skill set through monthly specialty classes! On top of their weekly EBA class, athletes enrolled in EBA+ will have access to monthly 45-minute specialty classes taught by a guest instructor via Zoom. Learn new moves, strengthen your physical skills, and engage with your EBA friends while participating in yoga, barre, zumba, cooking, kickboxing, and game day classes!
Athletes enrolled in EBA+ switch from $30/month to $45/month to cover their weekly class and monthly EBA+ specialty class. Click “Subscribe” below to create a login and complete your $45/month payment plan. Payment will be automatically processed each month.
To inquire about alternate payment methods, or to learn more about scholarship opportunities, email EBA Executive Director, Brad Franklin, at bradfranklin@everybodyathletics.com. Thank you!